Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Public Welfare

Public Welfare

In 2023, Chivalry Code and the Chivalry United Club will continue to fight for animal welfare and women’s welfare.
Besides, by promoting horse welfare around the globe, we will let more people to realize  how horse can bring hope to human and be a special cure for certain physical as well as mental disabilities.

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Public Welfare

Public Welfare

Our efforts on woman welfare are two fold. On one hand, for instance, we work with leather foundations to increase women employment rate in less developed countries, let them play a more important role while leashing their creativity and special talents, hence increase the export rate for leather products. And we support women especially girls who have enthusiasm on riding but find themselves hard to afforded to learn equestrian in the right way.  And we created a reading and riding club called Sherides, with the belief that girls can ride and girls ride well.

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